

In the field of property law, even matters that appear straightforward can prove complex. Our specialist Property Team can assist on all property matters, from the sale and purchase of a house through to complex unit title subdivisions, and opinions on resource management and unit title matters.

Our Property Team
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Kerri Schofield Senior Legal Executive
See full profile
Amy Bird Associate
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Anna Humphries Senior Solicitor
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Jessica Thomas Registered Legal Executive
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Quinn McKay Solicitor

Buying or selling a house is sometimes straightforward, but many legal issues can arise.  Whether you are a first home buyer or a seasoned investor, our experienced and expert team has “seen it all before” and can help lead you through the process. We can assist with:

  • Residential subdivisions.
  • Cross leases.
  • Unit titles.
  • Building contracts.
  • Due diligence matters.
  • Drafting sale and purchase agreements (including private sale transactions).
  • Kiwisaver application processes.
Our Experts
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Natalie Whitelock Associate
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Amy Bird Associate
See full profile
Kerri Schofield Senior Legal Executive
See full profile
Danielle Cronin Senior Legal Executive
See full profile
Jessica Thomas Registered Legal Executive

Successful commercial property investment relies on thorough due diligence, appropriate financial arrangements and good project management of the investment from a legal perspective. We work collaboratively with valuers, building consultants/engineers and accountants to achieve the best commercial and practical outcomes for our clients. Our experts can assist you with:

  • Large property developments.
  • Commercial property transactions.
  • Corporate structures (for purchasing entities).
  • Commercial leasing.
  • Due diligence.
Our Experts
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Phil Harris Director
See full profile
Laura Monahan Director
See full profile
Amy Bird Associate
See full profile
Kerri Schofield Senior Legal Executive
See full profile
Ezrom Waka Solicitor

Property development is one of our key specialty areas. Our Team of experts can assist you with:

  • Due Diligence
  • Resource Consents
  • Acquisition
  • Subdivisions
  • Construction
  • Leasing
  • Sale
Our Experts
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Amanda Hockley Director
See full profile
Amy Bird Associate

Our team specialises in subdivisions, and has worked on a wide range of projects, from acquisition through to subdivision and sell-down. Our experts have been involved in:

  • Greenfields in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty.
  • Unit title redevelopments in the Waikato and Auckland.
  • Rural subdivisions.
  • Industrial developments.
Our Experts
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Amy Bird Associate
See full profile
Kerri Schofield Senior Legal Executive

Changing banks or financing arrangements requires dealing with multiple parties under time pressures.  We have experience dealing with a range of residential and commercial refinancing transactions. Our Team of experts can assist you with:

  • Review of financing documents
  • Discharging the Security/Mortgage and Registration of New Security/Mortgage
Our Experts
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Kerri Schofield Senior Legal Executive
See full profile
Danielle Cronin Senior Legal Executive

Whether you are a major developer or a first home buyer, there are a range of issues and risks associated with building contracts. We can assist you with:

  • Preparing building contracts.
  • Reviewing building contracts (and advising how to make them more owner-friendly).
  • Building Act advice.
  • Enforcement, including Construction Contracts Act issues.
  • Advice in relation to NZS 3910:2013.
  • Advising engineers to the contract.
Our Experts
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Daniel Shore Director

Effective commercial leasing involves a team effort between agents, lawyers, and owners. We have extensive experience in commercial leasing and can assist you with:

  • Shopping centre lease preparation and review.
  • ADLS lease preparation and advice.
  • Enforcement, including Property Law Act notices.
  • Rent reviews, renewals, and tenant rights to purchase.
  • Long-term registered leases.
  • Agreements to lease, including construction and other development obligations.
Our Experts
See full profile
Phil Harris Director
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Amanda Hockley Director
See full profile
Kerri Schofield Senior Legal Executive

Farm transactions are a complex area of law and require special attention to detail and expertise. We understand farming and can provide great advice on legal issues you may be facing in the rural sector including:

  • Compliance.
  • Resource consents.
  • Fonterra shares.
  • GST.
  • Financing.


Our Experts
See full profile
Phil Harris Director
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
See full profile
Kerri Schofield Senior Legal Executive

Property law extends far beyond conveyancing. Our team includes staff with a range of practical, academic and LINZ experience, who provide expert advice on a range of technical land issues. We can assist with:

  • The Land Transfer Act 2017.
  • Easements.
  • Land covenants.
  • Unit titles.
  • Public Works Act.
  • Building Act.
  • Accretion claims.
  • Caveats.
  • Crown Land.
  • Local authority property matters.
  • Unit titles and body corporate issues.
Our Experts
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director

The Overseas Investment Act regulates both land and business purchases by overseas persons. We can assist you with:

  • Advice on the scope of the Overseas Investment Act.
  • Preparing applications to the Overseas Investment Office.
Our Experts
See full profile
Phil Harris Director
See full profile
Laura Monahan Director
See full profile
Dale Thomas Director
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